
With the funding from the National Science Foundation, California Department of Education, and other funding sources, the C-STEM Center has been actively conducting the research on integrated learning of Computing and STEM subjects. We study how integrating computing and robotics into STEM education in both formal and informal programs will affect student motivation and outcome, especially for traditionally underrepresented and economically disadvantaged groups and at-risk students.
Through the course of our research, we have developed innovative educational computing and robotics technology and Common Core Math Standards compliant curriculum and teaching strategies, such as dual programming, unique professional development model for training teachers without any prior computer programming and robotics experience, for integrating computer programming, robotics, and engineering into math education with a focus on Algebra stand to help close the achievement gap and prepare students to be career and college ready. We also study how the success of the curriculum-based RoboPlay Competition on the C-STEM Day impact students’ motivation and learning.

The article “Teaching math with computer programming can help narrow achievement gap” summarizes the current work of the C-STEM on integrating computing into K-12 math education.