The 13th Annual C-STEM Conference

Pictures from Conference
Friday, October 20, 2023 @ UC Davis Conference Center
Early Bird Registration Deadline 9/20/23: $150 - Regular Registration until 10/19/23: $170
Join the UC Davis C-STEM Center for the 13th Annual Conference on Integrated Computing and STEM Education on Friday, October 20, 2023 at UC Davis Conference Center. Explore engaging solutions to challenges in math and CS education, learn from fellow teachers, discover ground-breaking strategies and best practices for integrating coding and robotics into K-12 math education under the new CA Math Framework, and share math success stories. The theme of this year's conference is “Student Progress & Achievement in Math with Coding & Robotics.”
Dr. Mike Torres, Director of Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division at California Department of Education, will give a keynote speech on “Supporting Student Progress in Mathematics: A Framework for All Learners” to talk about the development, big ideas, guidelines for the implementation of the new California Mathematics Framework approved by the State Board of Education in July, 2023.
C-STEM is a UC Approved Educational Preparation Program for Undergraduate Admission for all UC campuses. The rigorous C-STEM Math and CS Curriculum provides K-12 students with up to 13 years of integrated learning of math and computer science. C-STEM has UC A-G Program Status. High schools can readily and easily add the 20 “A-G approved” rigorous C-STEM courses to their own school’s A-G course lists to satisfy the UC/CSU admission requirements. C-STEM provides professional development for teachers through the Joint UC Davis and UC Riverside Computer Science Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization Program.
The conference provides a forum for policy makers, researchers, district and school administrators, K-12 STEM teachers, and industrial partners to share their vision, research results, best practices, and experience on transforming math education with hands-on coding and robotics, especially on closing the math achievement gap for at-promise students and English language learners.
Gain first-hand experience integrating coding and robotics into math curriculum with our hands-on breakout sessions featuring Linkbots, Arduino, and more. See how teachers have successfully impacted students from ALL backgrounds through C-STEM K-12 Math and CS with Robotics Curriculum, Afterschool and Summer Robotics Camps and Robotics-Math Camps, GIRL/GIRL+ Camps, Ujima GIRL/GIRL Project, level-playing-field RoboPlay Competition.
Also, learn more about the Joint UC Davis and UC Riverside Computer Science Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization Program and teachers, schools, and districts increase their Smarter Balanced Math Test scores dramatically.
A group of C-STEM teachers, administrator, and superintendent will be recognized as C-STEM Teacher of the Year, C-STEM Administrator of the Year, and Superintendent of the Year for their extraordinary pioneering work on integrated learning math with hands-on coding and robotics. C-STEM Distinguished Schools will also be recognized.
UC Davis Conference Center
Call for Nomination of C-STEM Educator Awards
Nominations are currently being accepted for C-STEM Educator Awards (C-STEM Teacher of the Year, C-STEM Administrator of the Year, C-STEM Superintendent of the Year, C-STEM Distinguished Schools) with certificates from California Department of Education, California legislature, and University of California at Davis, to be presented at the conference on October 20, 2023.
You can find the Award Nomination forms here or click on “2023 Educator Awardees” to the left.
*The deadline to submit nominations for C-STEM Education Awards is August 31, 2023*
Keynote Speech:
Supporting Student Progress in Mathematics: A Framework for All Learners
Moderator: Dr. Barbara Nemko, Superintendent of Schools, Napa County Office of Education
Dr. Mike Torres, Executive Director, Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division,
California Department of Education
Summary: In July 12, 2023, the California State Board of Education approved the 2023 Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools. The new CS Mathematics Framework are rigorous learning standards that detail what every student should know and be able to do at every grade level. Dr. Mike Torres led the effort in developing this new framework and presented the framework for the Board approval. In this keynote speech, Dr. Torres will talk about the development, big ideas, guidelines for the implementation of the new California Mathematics Framework.
Plenary Panel Session 1:
Redlands Unified Leading the Change in Math and Computer Science Teaching & Learning
Moderator: Dr. Eduardo Mosqueda, Associate Professor, Department of Education, UC Santa Cruz
Dr. Kenneth Wagner, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services, Redlands USD
Deepika Srivastava, STEAM Coordinator, Redlands USD
Summary: In 2022-2023, 30 teachers from Redlands Unified School District in southern California completed the set of UC courses needed to earn their CS credentials through the Joint UC Davis and UC Riverside CS Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization Program. These teachers have been using the C-STEM K-12 Math and CS Curriculum to engage their students in learning math by solving real-world problems with coding and robotics, boosting their students’ math performance. The district is receiving the 2023 Golden Bell Award for their successful implementation of the C-STEM Program for students to accelerate and deep learning math. In this plenary talk, Dr. Ken Wagner and Deepika Srivastava from Redlands USD will share their amazing math/CS success story in offering an alternative approach to Math and Computer Science education for their students, especially those who have faced challenges in traditional math classrooms. The math achievement of students in the C-STEM classes compared with non-C-STEM students is astonishing!
Plenary Panel Session 2:
Engaging All Students on Learning Math with Coding and Robotics to Solve Real-World Problems and Increase Math Performance
Moderator: Dr. Suzie Dollesin, FPM Review Lead, Educational Data Management Division, California Department of Education
Featuring School Principals receiving the inaugural C-STEM Distinguished School Awards:
Dr. Brenna Godsey, Principal, McPherson Magnet School (K-8), Orange USD
Dr. Monica Murray, Principal, West Orange Elementary School, Orange USD
Dr. Andrea McClain, Principal, Chaparral Academy of Technology (K-5), Fontana USD
Summary: The C-STEM Distinguished School award recognizes C-STEM schools for their exceptional contributions to providing all students with equal and equitable access to the integrated learning of math and computer science through the C-STEM K-12 Math and CS with Robotics curriculum. Principals play a very important role in developing and maintaining an innovative K-12 educational program. These three visionary school principals have provided the leadership, direction, and coordination for their school wide implementation of teaching and learning mathematics with coding and robotics in every grade and classroom in their schools. In this plenary session, these principals from schools receiving the inaugural C-STEM Distinguished School award will share their vision, strategy, and experience in bringing the hands-on learning of math with coding and robotics to all classrooms and the math success stories that followed.
Breakout Sessions
Many hands-on breakout sessions are designed for Learning through doing. Learn from experienced C-STEM teachers to share their experience on how to integrate coding , robotics, Arduino into their math and STEM classes for hands-on learning to close the achievement gap. Bring your own laptop of Windows, Mac OS X, or Chromebook to join many hands-on sessions to learn, and take the latest technologies, curriculum, know-how, and excitement to your classroom teaching. Check out the breakout sessions.
Breakout Session 1
- A. Hands-on: Getting Started with RoboBlocky for Absolute Beginners to Teach Math and CS with Robotics (Bring-Your-Own-Computer)
- B. Strategies for Integrating C-STEM K-12 Math and CS Curriculum into K-12 Education
- C. Live Teaching: Students Learning Math with Coding and Robotics in Action
- D. Hands-on Arduino: Introduction to Basic Electronics and Creative Problem Solving for Physical Computing (Bring-Your-Own-Computer)
Breakout Session 2
- A. Hands-on: Experience in Engaging Students Learning Math with Coding, Robotics, and RoboPlay Competition (Bring-Your-Own-Computer)
- B. Best Practices on Integrating C-STEM Math with Robotics Curriculum into Elementary School Math Education
- C. District-wide Integration of C-STEM Math with Robotics Curriculum into K-12 Math Classroom Teaching for Small School Districts
- D. C-STEM PD, UCD/UCR CS Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization Program, and AP Computer Science Principles with Robotics
Breakout Session 3
A. Hands-on: CS with Music, Art, Language Arts, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and LMS (Bring-Your-Own-Computer)
- B. Best Practices on Integrating C-STEM Math with Robotics Curriculum into Secondary School Math Education
- C. School-wide Integration of C-STEM Math with Robotics Curriculum into K-12 Math Classroom Teaching
- D. Expanded Learning: RoboPlay Challenge Competition, Girls In Robotics Leadership (GIRL)/GIRL+ Camps, Ujima GIRL Project, Afterschool and Summer Robotics Camps for Accelerated and Deep Learning of Math

2023 C-STEM Conference Registration & Payment
- Early bird registration until September 20, 2023: $150
- Regular registration from September 21 to October 19, 2023: $180
- Registration deadline for the Conference is October 19, 2023.
- Please click here to register through our Eventbrite page.
- Registration via Purchase Order: Send a Purchase Order including the attendees’ full names and email addresses to
Follow-Up C-STEM Professional Development on October 21
You may register to participate in the C-STEM in-person professional development in C-STEM Academy I (Introduction to Teaching Computer Science) on Saturday October 21, 2023 followed with 5 synchronous Zoom sessions. More info about C-STEM PD opportunities can be found in C-STEM PD Schedule.
Hotel Information
The C-STEM Center does not directly deal with reservations but can recommend sites that have been known to offer discounted or contracted rates for UC Davis events. Please call hotels directly to confirm.