C-STEM Afterschool and Summer Robotics Programs and Robotics-Math Programs

Program Flyer

Afteschool and Summer Programs


Image of a RoboBlockly activity.
Image of a RoboBlockly activity.
Image of students engaging in a RoboBlockly activity.


Note: We do not host these afterschool and summer programs at UC Davis. If you are parents who are interested in having your child to attend a program, please ask your school principal and/or district coordinator for afterschool and summer programs to contact us for information on how to host these programs at your school site.


C-STEM Afterschool and Summer Robotics Programs and Robotics-Math Programs  are designed to be hosted by our K-12 partners  for their students locally and freely with instructors from their staff or local college students. They can host these robotics programs either as summer camps or an afterschool program for expanded learning during the academic year. The programs focus on the cognitive and socio-emotional aspects of learning, alleviate some of the distress caused by the pandemic, and bring fun back to learning.

Robotics Programs

The Robotics Programs emphasize hands-on learning of computer programming and robotics. Participants build robotic machines and learn coding, engineering, science, art, and music via robotics. Teamwork and communication skills are also emphasized. The programs are offered in five grade bands (click on each title for more information on the topics covered):

  1. C-STEM Robotics Program: Grades TK-K
  2. C-STEM Robotics Program: Grades 1-2
  3. C-STEM Robotics Program: Grades 3-5
  4. C-STEM Robotics Program: Grades 6-8
  5. C-STEM Robotics Program: Grades 9-12


The C-STEM Robotics Programs aim to:

  • Nurture students’ creativity and imagination by creating and programming their own robotic systems
  • Enhance students’ teamwork and communication skills  through collaborative robotics projects
  • Gain presentation and leadership skills with group presentations at the end of the program (for grades 6-8 and 9-12)
  • Build talent pipeline and inspire the next generation of professionals and leaders in STEM fields with Assistant Coaches for peer-mentoring
  • Prepare students to participate in math-focused level-playing field RoboPlay Competition.


Robotics-Math Programs

The Robotics-Math Programs empower K-12 students for accelerated and deeper math learning through robotics projects and the solution of real-world problems using math concepts, and at the same time provide students with recreational and teamwork opportunities with peer-mentoring. Each C-STEM Robotics-Math Program is focused on learning key math concepts in the related grade levels through collaborative robotics projects (multiple students use different devices to control the same robotic system they create on their own to accomplish a task)  and RoboPlay challenges. The C-STEM Robotics-Math curricula engage students in hands-on learning of math, seamlessly integrated with coding, engineering, science, art, and music via robotics. The participants also learn teamwork, communication, presentation, and leadership skills. The programs are offered in five grade bands as follows:

  1. Robotics-Math Program: Grades TK-K
  2. Robotics-Math Program: Grades 1-2
  3. Robotics-Math Program: Grades 3-5
  4. Robotics-Math Program: Grades 6-8
  5. Robotics-Math Program: Grades 9-12


The C-STEM Robotics-Math Programs aim to:

  • Accelerate deeper learning in math and exploring CS
  • Instill in students’ confidence to learn math and pursue a STEM major in college
  • Nurture students’ creativity and imagination by creating and programming their own robotic systems
  • Enhance students’ teamwork and communication skills  through collaborative robotics projects
  • Gain presentation and leadership skills with group presentations at the end of the program (for grades 6-8 and 9-12)
  • Build talent pipeline and inspire the next generation of professionals and leaders in STEM fields with Assistant Coaches for peer-mentoring
  • Prepare students to participate in math-focused level-playing field RoboPlay Competition.


Additional Information

Additional information about the C-STEM Robotics Programs and Robotics-Math Programs:

  • Participants: TK-K, 1-2nd, 3-5th, 6-8th, and 9-12th graders in the upcoming academic year
  • Number of Participants: Up to 30 students for each program
  • Curricula: Four 40-hour curricula for students in grades TK-K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-7, and 9-12.
  • Duration: 1-week (8 hours per day), 2-week (4 hours per day), 4-week (2 hours per week), or 8-week (1 hour per day) at the discretion of program organizers (the school or the district).
  • Time and Locations: Decided by program organizers.
  • Instructors for Programs: K-12 teachers and paraeducators within the district and county, and/or college students from local colleges and universities.
  • Training for Instructors: The C-STEM Center will provide two 4-hour or four 2-hour professional development sessions to prepare instructors to conduct the program at per-scheduled time or instructors can attend the regularly scheduled C-STEM PD sessions. If there is a large cohort of instructors from the same school district, a tailored PD can be arranged. No prior coding and robotics experience is needed.
  • Assistant Coaches: Middle and high school students. Each program is encouraged to have two assistant coaches with prior C-STEM program experience  for peer-mentoring.


If you have any questions or would like to host these programs for students in your school, district, or county, please contact us.