C-STEM Robotics Program: Grades 6-8

The C-STEM Robotics Program for students in Grades 6-8 introduces students to computer programming and robotics. The participants will also learn teamwork and communication skills.

The curriculum for this program includes:

  • Introduction to RoboBlocky and its User Interface 
  • Introduction to Robot Programming 
  • Connect a Hardware Linkbot 
  • Program a Robot with Sound and Color 
  • Debug Programs 
  • Control Multiple Robots 
  • Create Your Own Robot Machines 
  • Change the Robot Model, Grid Background, and Robot Size 
  • Dynamic Robot Models, Sizes, and Backgrounds 
  • Personalize Robots with Speeches, Thoughts, and Voices in Different Languages 
  • Display Shapes and Images 
  • Repetition with Repeat Loop 
  • Storytelling with Robots
  • Creative Design Project