2020 RoboPlay Video
Despite the cancellation of the 2020 RoboPlay Challenge Competition, the 2020 RoboPlay Video Challenge will continue. We encourage you to participate in this event, as it does not require physical meeting and ensures the safety of all participants.
2020 RoboPlay Theme: Adventure and Exploration
Starting 2018, we added an award category each year for a theme which is the same for RoboPlay Challenge Competition. This year’s theme of RoboPlay Competition is Adventure and Exploration. However, your videos do not have to have such a theme.
Registration – Opens January 13, 2020 for C-STEM Schools
(For all C-STEM events, you must first register with the C-STEM website before you can register for the event. If you have not yet registered, click HERE to register)
C-STEM RoboPlay Video Competition Timeline

Deadlines Extended
Note that all registration fees are waived for 2020 RoboPlay Video.
- Registration: March 20, 2020 Extended to May 8, 2020
- Video Submission: April 10, 2020 Extended to May 22, 2020
2020 RoboPlay Video Competition
- Call For Participation
- Rubric
- Teacher Upload Instructions
- Code Template
- Checklist
- Teachers can register an unlimited number of video competition teams.
- Teams must consist of 3 students or more, and no student can participate on more than one team.
- Submitted videos must still follow submission guidelines and select videos will be highlighted on our website as Favorites.
- Formal Awards will not be distributed for the competition this year.
No registration fees will be collected. Any registration fees that have already been paid will be refunded.
For general inquiries, please contact:
UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 752-9082
Email: roboplay@c-stem.ucdavis.edu